When one is dealing with an issue with a main water main at a home or a business, they need to proceed with caution. If they find that you are having issues getting a steady stream of water in their home, or they are having water come up in your yard, they probably aren’t dealing with a simple piping issue, but instead are dealing with something that is wrong with their water main. It cannot be repeated enough: this is not the type of thing that one should try and take care of on their own. While they may considering themselves a “weekend warrior” who can take on issues around the house, a water main is not something that is in their wheel house. No matter how much they can do with pipes in their home, a main water line is an entirely different situation, and one that can cause major problems if not handled correctly.
While it may seem like your water mains in Arlington VA are “too big to fail”, so to say, there are plenty of issues that can befall them. For example, it may seem strange to say that tree roots could be strong enough to affect water mains, but many issues that occur can be traced back to roots of trees that are close to the central main. Tree roots continue to grow, and depending on the tree they can be as thick and heavy as the branches that extend to the sky. When you are dealing with a particularly big, heavy tree, roots can break through the piping and either puncture or constrict the water flow. When this occurs, it takes a true professional that deals with Water Mains Arlington VA to make sure that the issue is properly taken care of.
In addition to tree roots, one of the biggest factors in the overall stability of water mains is time. While the mains are made from heavy material, the material is going to become more brittle with age. When dealing with a system that is decades old, there is a greater risk for leaks and blockages to occur. Getting your mains inspected every couple of years, especially if you are dealing with an older system, is always a good idea.
Business Name are Northern Virginia’s top choice for plumbing professionals providing sewer, drain & water main lines repair & replacement service in Arlington and surrounding areas.