2 Things to Look For When Choosing Your Next Forever Church in Florida

by | Jul 12, 2021 | Church

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Are you part of the LGBTQ+ community and have been hiding your true self from members of a church you have been attending since you were a child? Do you often feel uncomfortable and awkward while attending church service because you realize that they will not accept you for who you are? Are you now searching for a new church but are unsure how or where to start? If so, then here are two things to look for when choosing your next forever church in Jacksonville.

Gay Affirming

One of the main things to look for when searching for and choosing a church is that the church is gay affirming or LGBTQ+ affirming. Choosing this type of church will allow you to stop hiding so you can regain your faith in God to inspire you to live a happy and free life.


Another thing to look for when searching for and choosing your next forever church is that the church is known by the locals as a church that supports freedom of religion, freedom for religion, and freedom from religion. This means that this type of church will accept members regardless of their religious background.

Be Part of This Supportive and Loving Family

Perhaps you are still searching for gay affirming churches in Jacksonville, FL, but are becoming overwhelmed with your search. Here is a tip. Become part of the supporting and loving family at Riverside Baptist Church. They are a church that will love, support, and accept you for who you are so you can stop hiding while praising God. So, when searching for the best gay affirming churches in Jacksonville, FL, they are the ones you should visit from now on. Call or visit them online today.

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