2 Things You May Need To Acquire to Set Tiles Evenly on Your Floor

by | Jun 21, 2021 | Tiles / Tools

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Have you recently made the decision to switch your vinyl flooring for tiles and will be performing the installation on your own? Have you made this decision to avoid botch installation services from an unscrupulous provider? Are you now wondering what you will need to ensure a professional finish? If so, then here are two things you may need to help you set tiles evenly on your floor.


One of the top things you should consider acquiring and using when installing tiles are tile clips. These clips will help you level your tiles efficiently and effectively. Tile clips will help push and pull tiles up and down to match the height of each subsequent tile.


Another thing you should utilize when laying tiles are tile wedges. Use a combination of clips and wedges to ensure even spacing between tiles for a professional finish. Wedges are also used to help you install your tiles evenly from above and below.

All-in-One Solution

Perhaps you are now searching for an all-in-one solution that includes these two types of equipment but are unsure which system to use. Here is a tip. You should consider using the Raimondi Tile Leveling System. Their tile leveling system comes complete with tile clips, reusable wedges, and floor pliers to help you install your tiles evenly with precision and accuracy. So, when searching for the best system to use to tackle a flooring project, the Raimondi Tile Leveling System is one of the leading systems you should use to ensure a professional finish.

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