If you live in Asheville, physical therapy may be required under some very common situations. An accident, an illness or trauma may result in impacting various components of the body. Sore muscles, torn ligaments, broken bones or similar physical issues may require consulting your primary physician or surgeon about possible solutions. S/he, in turn may recommend consulting with a physical therapist.
Three Different Treatments
The major goal of physical therapy is to strengthen muscles and ligaments and to increase the range of motion of a patient. In doing so, the patient’s mobility is increased. Any associated pain will be decreased. To achieve this, a physical therapist may employ one or more of several treatments.
- Joint Mobilization: Increasing mobility and improving joint play requires the loosening of joints. Exercises in this treatment may include extension, flexion, long axis distraction, patella motion and tibia femoral glide.
- Orthopedic Manual Therapy: Manual therapy involves the employment of hands-on techniques to the affected body tissues. The intent is to help that specific body component to function better.
- Therapeutic Exercise: These are exercises designed specifically to address physical issues affecting mobility. They are selected to help restore flexibility and function. At the same time, these exercises help to restore both strength and decrease pain.
Asheville Physical Therapy
If you are suffering from decreased mobility and physical pain, talk to your primary physician. They may recommend talking to a physical therapist. In turn, this professional might suggest a series of treatments intended to help restore your mobility.