3 Facts About Colitis

by | Dec 19, 2019 | Healthcare

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Eventually, areas of your body are going to begin to show their age. There are a lucky few who can live well into their 70s and not experience any serious health issues. For the rest, it is almost just a matter of time before something reveals itself. From arthritis to memory loss, the best way to predict what you may be prone to is to check your family medical history. If you develop colitis, you are going to find out that there is no cure, but there is Treatment For Colitis Jacksonville.

What is Colitis?

If you are experiencing inflammation in your digestive tract, or discomfort, you are encouraged to consult with your doctor. This condition is not comfortable because it could feel like you have gas due to the inflammation, but it does not pass. It can feel like bloating that will not settle. Once this condition begins, you should know that it is chronic, and it cannot be cured. Treatment can control the discomfort, but you will have this condition for the rest of your life. It should be controlled because it can lead to other issues like colon cancer.

What are the Symptoms?

In severe cases, symptoms of colitis include rectal bleeding, bloody diarrhea or abdominal cramps. If you have not developed ulcerative colitis, your symptoms will include bloating, difficulty defecating or urgency to defecate. Since all symptoms are uncomfortable, you are encouraged to seek medical attention.

What are the Treatments?

The two main treatments for colitis include medication and surgery. Surgery will often take place when a patient develops cancer. Medications are usually used to fix, minimize or prevent ulcers. For treatment for Colitis in Jacksonville, your doctor may also prescribe IV fluids, an enema or dietary supplements and steroid drugs.

If you are looking for treatments for colitis in Jacksonville visit Digestive Disease Consultants at ddcjax.com.

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