3 Items When Considering if a Car Wash is the Right Business in Your Future

by | Jun 10, 2019 | Software Company

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Car washes are becoming a big deal across the country. Whether they be part of gas stations or standalone operations with free vacuuming, these establishments have a lot of components. Payroll must be maintained, machines serviced, and customers charged the right amounts as well as given perks. Also, the car wash needs to be in a location that will bring in business.

If you are looking into this venture as a full-time investment or side gig, here are three items to consider.


As mentioned, location is tantamount to a successful car wash. Opening a high-end wash when the gas station down the street charges five dollars can hurt your bottom line. Look for areas near a city’s main thoroughfare or a business corridor.


A $20 basic car wash won’t cut it while the business a few miles down charges the same amount for a top-line wash and detail. Instead, you need to ensure your costs are low enough to keep your prices down. This is done through diligent maintenance of your machines and utmost respect for your workers. Also, you want to make sure your sales are always in order.

Point of sale software

Microsoft Excel or QuickBooks might have worked for one of your smaller businesses, but they may not work for this one. You may instead need some form of auto software to help with point of sale items and to monitor equipment. Many of today’s applications are based on the internet of things (IoT). This allows you to track equipment alerts and repair them before they get too serious.

Overall, map out your requirements before purchasing that old car wash or empty property. Price out machinery and auto software ahead of time so you have an idea to customer prices before you open.

You can also reach out to Business Name via phone or Website Url to learn how we can be your POS solution.

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