3 Signs It’s Time to Upgrade Your Website Design

by | Jan 22, 2019 | Web Design and Development

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People love to shop online. That means, for most, your website will be their first impression of you. If your pages suffer from any common internet issue, you need to plan to revamp your site. Below, we list some typical problems and what addressing them will do for your business.


If you haven’t updated anything on your site for over a year, then your text is stale, and the look may be outdated. If it has been three years or longer, your site has passed its prime. An old website could be why you’re getting little traffic to your site. Get a redesign. Look for a marketing firm that offers website design in Oklahoma. With pros to upgrade your look and content, you will be able to see a difference in your traffic and sales.

Not optimized

Most people shop online. If your site is not mobile friendly, then you’re keeping potential customers from visiting from your site. If your pages aren’t optimized for mobile screens, visitors are unlikely to find a desktop just to browse your website. If you want to kill your bounce rates and boost your conversion rates, then get started on that redesign that includes optimization. Look for a company that specializes in website design in Oklahoma to help you.

Slow loading

Making your customers wait as your pages load is one way you will lose them. The Business2Community says roughly 40 percent of consumers will exit a site if a page takes longer than 3 seconds to load. If you have slow-loading pages, then revamping your website is a must. If you don’t want to lose your customers before you even have a chance to show them what your services or products have to offer, you must take your website seriously. Get help from experts on how to turn your online presence around. Start with a redesign done by people who know what consumers want.

Your website can make or break your business. Make sure you get the attention you want from your audience with help from web design experts.

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