3 Simple Questions That You Should Ask Your Chicago Family Dentist

by | Nov 18, 2019 | Dentist

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With the right approach to dental care, there’s a good chance that your teeth will last for all or at least most of your life. Along with following a reasonable dental hygiene routine every day, it makes sense to ask your family dentist in Chicago IL any question that comes to mind. Here are three simple questions that you should ask your dentist if you haven’t done so in the past.

How Often Should I Come In?

At a minimum, the dentist is likely to recommend that you come in twice a year. One visit will be for a complete dental checkup. The other will be for a teeth cleaning. Depending on the current state of your dental health, the dentist may recommend coming in three or four times over the course of a year.

Are There Really Any Differences Between Toothpastes?

Your family dentist is likely to note that all toothpaste products are designed to accomplish the same goal: remove residue from the surfaces of your teeth and gums. Even so, there may be times when your specific dental condition requires using a particular type of toothpaste.

While your family dentist in Chicago IL is not likely to recommend a specific brand, you may be counseled to look for something that’s designed for sensitive teeth. If your teeth are a little dull, the dentist may recommend that you try a formula designed to whiten teeth.

When Is It Time To Invest In A New Toothbrush?

Your family dentist Chicago IL residents turn to, may recommend that you follow the suggestion made by the American Dental Association: replace your toothbrush every three to four months. How will you know the time has arrived without watching the calendar? If you notice that the bristles are starting to fray, it’s time to go toothbrush shopping.

Call Chicago Dental Arts or visit us at our website to set up an appointment or ask us any questions about dental care.

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