While you’ve suspected that the marriage is coming to an end, it seems as if things are escalating lately. Now may be the time to contact a Darien divorce lawyer and start making plans to end the marriage. How do you know that now is the time? If any of the following applies in your case, make the call now.
One has to do with evidence that your spouse is not faithful. In the past, you suspected as much, but now you have proof. Since the idea of continuing to live together is out of the question, it’s time to begin planning for the rest of your life. Seeing a divorce lawyer is the first step.
Perhaps the two of you have been in counseling for some time. The only thing that has come out of the experience is that the two of you no longer have any common ground. There’s also not much affection left either. Now is the time to end the marriage while the two of you are still on reasonably good terms. Delaying things further could lead to harsh feelings for both parties.
If there has been any type of abuse during the marriage, know that you do not need to remain in that situation. Along with helping with the legal termination of the marriage, it’s not unusual for a Darien divorce lawyer to be aware of safe houses and programs designed to help victims of spousal abuse make the transition. This is an option you should consider.
Remember that the focus of the Darien divorce lawyer is to help you end the marriage and receive a fair share of the marital assets. If you honestly see no hope for the union, call today and take the first step. A year from now, things will look a lot better.
For more information, please contact The Family Law Firm Healy & Eliot PLLC today.