3 Tips for Maintaining Water Softeners in Leesburg, FL

by | Apr 14, 2017 | Articles

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A water softener can make a huge difference in the lives of homeowners. While the water feels completely different and many of the hard water stains have become a thing of the past, there are still other benefits that continue to make the investment well worth it. From the smaller amounts of soap and shampoo needed to the changes in the look and feel of the skin, water softeners in Leesburg FL are a great choice. But in order to keep everything running smoothly, it’s important to keep an eye on the equipment and provide regular maintenance.

Check the Salt

It’s important that the system have enough salt to keep up with the process. If the water is starting to feel different, if water stains are starting to show, or if it’s requiring more dish washing soap to get the dishes done, it might be time for a refill of salt. Keeping a close eye on this can prevent problems. It’s also important to be adding the right type of salt to get ideal results. In most cases, this means using granular salt.

Break Up Salt Collections

There are times when the salt will begin to collect in one place in the Water Softeners in Leesburg FL. Sometimes the salt begins to form a slush that tends to stick to the bottom of the tank. In order to get things moving, grab something with a long handle and insert it carefully into the tank. Then, work to break up the slush. In addition to slush, there are times when the salt will come together and form what feels like a solid wall of salt, preventing any of the salt from mixing in the water below. This can also be broken up with a handle.

Use a Softener Cleaner

Just like other appliances in the house, a water softener is going to need some cleaning. While this often only needs to be handled every couple of years, it is possible to keep things running smoothly by using a softener cleaner every couple of months. It can be poured into the tank right before the regeneration process takes place. For more information on water softeners and how to maintain them, browse our website.

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