It’s never too late to begin paying more attention to your dental health. Even if you’ve been lax in seeing a dentist in the last few years, there are ways to get back on track. Along with efforts at home, you also want to schedule these three types of visits to your local family dental center in Northridge, CA.
An Annual Dental Examination
First, is your annual dental exam. The goal is to assess the condition of your teeth and the health of your gums. If there are any signs of developing issues, scheduling the proper treatments in advanced will help you in the long-term. Some minor issues can be addressed during the same day visit. If there are no signs of issues, that’s great. It means you’re off to an excellent start for your year’s dental health planning.
At Least One Cleaning Every Year
Later in the year, schedule teeth cleaning with the local family dental center in Northridge, CA. This cleaning will help to remove plaque and other residues that are left after you brush and floss. Cleanings help to reduce the risk of developing cavities as well as protecting the enamel. Have at least one cleaning per year, but don’t rule out going in twice during each 12-month period.
Teeth Whitening Treatments
Your teeth may not be as white as in the past. Assuming the main problem is the yellowing and not a loss of enamel, seeing a family dental center in Northridge, CA, is a good idea. They will improve the appearance of your teeth. While you may need to come back for a second set of treatments later in the year, many people find that one whitening treatment every 12 months is enough.
Are there other reasons to visit the dentist? A lot depends on your general dental health. You will also want to come in if your teeth are damaged in some sort of accident or if you experience pain that seems to develop out of nowhere. Remember, dental health is one more way to protect your overall wellbeing. See the dentist on a regular basis and you’ll be glad that you did.