When it’s time for spring cleanup, a homeowner’s first instinct is usually to add new trees and plants to their landscaping. While these additions do much for a home’s curb appeal and energy efficiency, they may also pose hazards to the plumbing. Read on to learn about these plants and how a tree service in Boston can add them safely.
Ivy is one of the most popular ground covers, and it’s one of the biggest plumbing hazards for the same reason. It climbs quickly and can work its way into the smallest openings. Ivy has a complex, thick root system, and it becomes an obstruction almost immediately.
Oak Trees
Though oaks grow slowly, they have very powerful roots that can destroy pipes over the years. By the time a homeowner notices a problem, the underground damage may be catastrophic. If oak trees are a landscaping must-have, be sure to keep them well away from the underground plumbing.
Willow Trees
When most people picture willow trees, they’re beside a stream or pond. Willows require a great deal of water, and the trees’ roots seek water out wherever it lies. As a tree grows, its water needs increase, and it may become very large. Like oaks, willow roots are strong and will crush underground pipes to access the water inside.
Holly Bushes
Holly is a common Christmas decoration, but its year-round beauty makes it a popular landscaping choice. These sturdy, strong bushes are often planted against homes’ foundations, and that’s where most of the problems arise. Holly bushes flourish all year long, and roots can quickly grow into pipe crevices, creating clogs. If a homeowner decides to plant these shrubs, keep them away from plumbing lines.
Local Tree Maintenance and Care
Though these plants are beautiful and make fine additions to a residential landscape, they should be planted and tended with great care. Is it time to beautify the home’s landscape for spring? A Tree Service in Boston can provide quality work and fast responses at a fair price. Visit Cambridge Landscape for more details or call today to schedule an evaluation.