4 Reasons to Hire an Estate Planning Lawyer in Jenison, MI

by | Oct 22, 2014 | Lawyer

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If you are looking to create a will or trust for your estate, you are going to need an estate lawyer instead of doing it yourself. A common misconception is that you have to be rich to need estate planning, but that simply is not true. Anyone can benefit from estate planning. Here are a few things to consider.

Estate Lawyers Know The State Laws

State laws are extremely strict about what can and can’t be in a will or trust. An Estate Planning Lawyer in Jenison MI, is going to know all about state laws and how to follow them to truly get what you want. If you go it alone, you could seriously be reducing the odds your wishes will be adhered to. Save the time and money spent on trying to do it yourself and hire a professional to get the job done.

You’ll Cost Yourself

If you decide to fill out your own paperwork, your family may end up picking up the pieces. If not done properly, wills and trusts can be invalid or will not work as anticipated. Your family will have to deal with the aftermath. They will have to shell out the money to get someone to fix the errors you created. Estate planning documents are tricky, so get them done right in the first place to avoid any headaches or hiccups later.

Handling of Complex Situations

If you are divorced, have one or more businesses, own real estate in another state, are in a second marriage, have a disabled family member, have difficult children or no children, want to give your estate to charity, or even have lost a spouse recently, you are a complex situation and need to consult someone who knows what they are doing. If done incorrectly, the IRS or state may end up getting much of your estate. Even in cut and dry cases, it is advisable to get an attorney, but an attorney is especially crucial if you have one or more of these complexities.

Attorneys will know to have your will or trust executed properly. They will also help clients avoid taxes, and you will be left to know you did the right thing. Leave the important things in life to the professionals; you really don’t want to mess up your will or trust.

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