Electric garage door openers make life very convenient. When the homeowner pulls into their driveway, they won’t need to get out of the car to manually open the garage door. They would simply press a button on the remote in their car, and the garage door goes up. The same is true when they are leaving the house. If the garage door begins to malfunction, it can be inconvenient and even dangerous. This is why it is so important for the homeowner to recognize there is something wrong with a Garage Door in Newton MA.
The Door Won’t Open And Close
This is the most obvious sign that the garage door needs to be repaired. If this happens, there could be something wrong with the connection between the door’s control panel and the remote. Before calling a professional, the homeowner should make sure that nothing is blocking the door.
Slow Response Time
If the garage door is functioning properly, it should open as soon as the button is pressed. If there is a long response time, there is something wrong with the door. It could also be an issue with the opener. It would take the knowledge and expertise of a professional to figure out what is causing the problem.
Excessive Noise
It is not uncommon for the garage door to make noise when it goes up or down. However, if the homeowner notices their garage door is making more noise than normal, there could be a problem with the spring or another part of the door.
Sagging Door Sections
Most garage door experts recommend that homeowners test their garage doors once a year. To test the door, they should disconnect the opener and open the door manually. If it falls or rises too fast, it means that the tension spring or another part of the door is not functioning properly. Since this can create a dangerous situation, the homeowner should contact a professional immediately.
It is essential to the safety of the homeowner’s vehicles and family that their Garage Door in Newton MA is always functioning properly. If the homeowner finds any issues, they should contact Collins Overhead Door Inc. Find us on Facebook!