Many people don’t realize they have a drinking problem. A lot of them deny they even have one in the first place. By the time they do realize their drinking habits have gone too far, they’re already hip-deep in addiction. Not sure if you’re one of them? Here are common signs that you have a drinking problem and need to start looking at alcohol treatment centers in NJ:
You’re ashamed about your drinking
This implies that you already know something’s wrong, you can’t just put your finger on it. If you don’t feel good about drinking anymore, then it’s no longer a social practice but a bad habit.
You lie about your drinking
If you keep finding ways to lie to your friends and family about how much you have already drunk or if you even had a few drinks or so, then that could be a sign that you an alcohol problem. If you believe there’s nothing wrong with your drinking habits, then you shouldn’t feel compelled to lie about them in the first place.
Your friends are worried about you
If your friends are starting to talk to you about your drinking habits and starting to worry about you, then that might be a red, flashing sign that something is wrong, says HelpGuide.
You drink more than you should
If you drink more than you can handle and can’t seem to stop at just one glass, thinking “just one more shot,” then that might be the alcohol addiction talking.
You black out
If you’re starting to suffer from blackouts and can’t remember exactly what happened the night before, that could be a drinking problem, especially if you keep having frequent blackouts.
You need the drink to relax
If you need a shot of alcohol to work out the kinks in your system or smooth out the day’s rough edges once in a while, that’s fine. But if you start depending on it every day, that’s a sign that you’re in way over your head. You need help.
Getting help
Face up to the fact. You’ll need to accept that you have a problem so you could get treated for it. Talk to a friend or family member. Once you decide to get help and start living sober, you will need to check out alcohol treatment centers in NJ. Be wise about the one you choose. The right one will have a massive impact on your recovery.
To know more, get in touch with Behavioral Crossroads as soon as possible.