Choosing Oral Surgeons in Edmonton to Perform a Root Canal

by | Dec 5, 2014 | Dentistry

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Endodontics, more commonly known as “root canals,” is a conservative level specialty that helps a person keep their teeth. Importantly, most teeth can be saved even if they have large cavities, coronary destruction or trauma. This dental specialty concerns itself with the etiology (causes), diagnosis, prevention and treatment of diseases of the dental pulp and any complications. You can see Oral Surgeons in Westchester County NY, to have the job done or visit your local dentist.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), health is not merely the absence of disease, it is also a complete physical, psychological and mental well-being. Hence the popular term “healthy mind, healthy body.” Dentistry is the branch of medicine concerned with oral health and a more spacious and modern stomatology (face and neck). To avoid all the hassles and troubles that can cause toothaches, experts recommend visiting a dentist at least every six months. This is so the dentist can perform a clinical examination of the mouth and diagnose diseases of the soft tissue (gum), tooth decay and occlusion (bite). The most important causative agent of tooth decay and gum disease (gingivitis) is bacterial plaque, which is invisible to the naked eye and is forming at all times due to saliva and food intake.

The most frequent symptom in a tooth is acute pain or penetrating deep cavities. Several times, the radiation of pain goes to other parts, so it is necessary to make a differential diagnosis fast. There are two types of pain: those caused by hot, cold, sweet, sour, salty substances, and spontaneous pain that is usually throbbing and permanent. This latter type of pain inevitably leads to a Root Canal Gaithersburg. However, the former can be alleviated with cures that try to recover the inflammatory state of the pulp.

The Endodontist requires broad and deep knowledge, both in theoretical and practical aspects of dental anatomy, morphology, radiology, histology and physiology of pulp bacteria, pathology, pharmacology, therapeutics, oral surgery and anesthesiology. Even personal ability, tactful skill and fine motor skills are needed. Saving a tooth is a wonderful thing that occurs between professional and patient satisfaction, and it gives meaning to the specialty and causes a feeling of mission accomplished. Contact Anthony DeBenedictis D.D.S. for more information.

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