4 Reasons Your Furnace is Blowing Cold Air

by | Dec 18, 2014 | Air Conditioning

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Everyone counts on their furnace to keep their home cosy and warm during the long winter months. Most people are shocked when they turn on the furnace, walk over to the vent, and get a blast of icy coldness as you would from your Air Conditioning unit. Your first thought is to call in the repairman to see what is wrong with the furnace that you need so badly.

However, there are a few simple reasons that your furnace may be blowing cold air and a few of them do not require calling for Quality Furnace Repair. Read on below for a few reasons that your furnace could be blowing cold air.

It Takes Time

You have to give the heat time to get from the furnace to your Heating ducts. Just as it takes a little time for the water in your tub to get warm, hot air has to travel to get to the registers in your home as well.

Switch Your Fan Setting

In order to have the heating unit heat up the way it should, you have to turn the switch on your thermostat from on to auto. Before you try to find someone to provide Quality Furnace Repair for this problem, check to make sure that the switch is in the right position.

Pilot Light has been extinguished

It is possible if your furnace is blowing cold air that your pilot light has gone out. It is possible to relight a pilot light yourself; however, if you don’t know what you are doing, it is best to call in a furnace repairman to do the job for you. It is better to be safe than sorry, when it comes to dealing with gas.

There is a Real Problem

If none of the above is the problem, then you will want to call in a repairman, in case the problem is something they need to fix.

These are just a few reasons that your furnace could be blowing cold air. You can visit Horizon Services today for more information about their heating, air conditioning, and/or plumbing services. It is best to be safe than sorry when the winter winds start to blow. Get in touch with us for more info.

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