Dental Implants in Long Island are the Best Way to Replace Teeth

by | Dec 22, 2014 | Dentistry

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Missing teeth can ruin a person’s smile. They can also weaken the jawbone. When it doesn’t have a tooth root to support, the jawbone quickly looses bone mass. Traditional bridges fill the gap in a smile, but they don’t strengthen the jawbone. dental implants in Long Isalnd perform both functions. Over the past decade, implants have become the preferred method for replacing missing teeth. Dentists also use them to anchor dentures, so they don’t slip or fall out.


Dental implants should be inserted into the jaw as soon as possible after the tooth is lost. If the patient waits too long, the jaw won’t be able to support the implant. In that case, an oral surgeon will have to perform a bone graft to augment the jaw. It takes about two months for the jaw to heal after a bone graft. The dentist takes a detailed x-ray to determine the location of adjacent tooth roots, nerves and blood vessels in the area. The implant must avoid these to successfully mesh with the jaw. Dental implants in Long Island are made from titanium. The same metal used in artificial joints. The body tolerates it easily and rarely rejects it.

After the implant is inserted into the jaw it takes about eight weeks for the jaw to completely incorporate it. Once that occurs, a post it attached to the implant. A dental crown is attached to the post to complete the procedure. When the implant and crown are in place, they look and act like a natural tooth. The person will be able to speak and eat normally.

Denture wearers often worry about their dentures losing their grip. Dental implants can hold them securely in place so that denture wearers can eat and speak in public without fear. Several dental implants are inserted into the upper and lower jaws of denture wearers. Instead of being topped with dental crowns, they are topped with small metal balls. There are slots in the bottom of the dentures that match the location of the metal balls. In the morning, the denture wearer takes clean dentures and snaps them into place. They can enjoy a secure fit for the rest of the day.

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