When an Illinois resident becomes disabled and can’t work, he is shocked to learn that Social Security benefits aren’t available for the first 12 months. This can be devastating for both middle-income and lower-income workers. A 2015 Federal Reserve Bank study found that 40 percent of these people had only a four-month financial cushion. After that they would have to rely on relatives and charities to survive. When they finally qualify and apply, they are again shocked when their application for benefits is denied. Because 75 percent of all applications in Illinois are initially rejected, disabled people should hire one of the disability lawyers in Illinois for help.
The lawyer understands the lengthy application that must be filled out. It can be exhausting for a sick or injured person to deal with it. The worker must show that he is disabled to the point that he can no longer do the work that he did before. He must also document that his disability prevents him from accepting other work. His lawyer will help him list all of his previous jobs. This listing must include all of the duties he was expected to perform and the machines he had to use. It must also document any accommodations his employer gave him to help him continue working. This could include allowing him to sit instead of stand. He must explain why the accommodation didn’t help.
Many applicants make the mistake of spending too much time documenting their illness and not enough time showing why they can’t work. One of the disability lawyers in Illinois may have an occupational therapist examine their client. The therapist can then explain in detail why the person can no longer do their job or find a new one. Documentation such as this increases the odds that the Social Security reviewer will approve the application. The lawyer might even include a statement from the disabled person’s boss that he worked for 15 years and was always a diligent and enthusiastic worker who loved his job and tried to work as long as possible.
The Law Offices of Jeffrey A. Rabin & Associates, Ltd. are some of the lawyers that take on disability cases. Call them to set up a confidential appointment.