Advantages of Contacting a Business who handles Overhead Garage Doors in Newton MA for Repair Issues

by | Aug 9, 2019 | Garage Doors

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When a homeowner is dealing with issues with the way the garage door on their home is functioning, calling a professional who deals with Overhead Garage Doors Newton MA is generally the best way to handling the situation. A professional will be able to quickly assess the situation and determine the cause of the problem. Repairs can then be made quickly and efficiently.

Many times a garage door will stop opening. This can be caused by a number of problems. Sometimes the issue may be in the garage door opener. If releasing the emergency opening lever allows the door to move again, the opener is most like the cause of the problem. A technician will be able to check the adjustments on the component to see if the unit is capable of working or if it needs repairs. If repairs are needed, it will generally need to be removed from the garage and taken to the repair facility. Many times, replacing the unit may be the best choice. A technician will be able to offer advice on this type of situation.

In some cases, the door may not open when the emergency lever is released. This generally means the issue with the door is with the hardware or other elements of the door. The first thing a technician who handles Overhead Garage Doors Newton MA will need to do is to inspect the springs and cables on the unit. This is done for safety reasons. If these units are damaged, it is important to provide additional support to the door while these components are replaced.

Many times the issue causing the door to stop opening can be in the hardware around the garage’s entryway. The tracks lining the doorway can become damaged, misaligned or dirty. When these situations occur, the wheels at the end of the panels of the door will be unable to move on the tracks. Fixing these issues with the tracks can often solve the issue.

Garage door issues can be a difficult issue to deal with. Calling a company who installs and repairs Overhead Garage Doors Newton MA can be a smart choice to handle the issue. For more information, please contact Collins Overhead Doors, Inc. Find us on Facebook!

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