Reasons To See Emergency Dentists In Oahu

by | Apr 8, 2015 | Dentist

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Of course, most people don’t look forward to a dental visit, unless they’re in pain. At that point, the dreaded dentist visit turns into the most anticipated visit, when they’re in need of emergency dental care. It might be a broken tooth, with an exposed root, or a throbbing toothache that pounds like a sledgehammer. When a patient is in pain, most dental fear goes out the window and relief is utmost of their mind. Whatever it takes to get rid of the pain, is the usually thought. Sometimes the Dentists Oahu are quite busy, and getting an appointment is difficult for a new patient. This is one reason that becoming established with a dentist, such as Business Name, before the need arises is always a good idea.

Depending on the location, a broken tooth may be unsightly and the patient will want it repaired as soon as possible. A broken tooth may also cause great pain, if a nerve is exposed due to the break. This is a situation that most patients cannot wait a few days for treatment. It’s important to visit the dentist as soon as possible. If the break can be easily repaired, the dentist may be able to bond or fill it. This will cover the area the break is in so the nerve is not exposed to air and cannot cause pain. If the break is too severe for this fix, a cap or crown may be necessary to save the tooth and keep it pain free.

A toothache is another instance when the services of emergency Dentists Oahu may be needed. A toothache should not be left untreated, as infection can set in. This infection can become quite dangerous and cause a dental abscess or a systemic infection throughout the body. The toothache may be caused due to a cracked or missing filling or a cavity. Sometimes the tooth can be repaired and other times, it may need to be extracted, depending on the cause. It’s important to tend to the tooth, so complications do not develop.

There are times that dental emergencies dictate immediate dental care. When that is the case, knowing which dentist to call is of utmost importance. Becoming previously established with a dental practice will help the patient get the care needed, when necessary. To know more, click here.

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