Why You should Waterproof a Basement in Cambridge MA

by | Apr 21, 2015 | Water Proofing

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If you begin to think about owning your own home or making improvements to you home, chances are a Waterproof a Basement in Cambridge MA is not the first thing that you think of. While this is not a glamorous home repair, neither is having a basement that is moldy and damp. There are a number of benefits offered by having your basement waterproofed professionally, with some of the biggest ones highlighted here.

Increase Your Home’s Value

The majority of people think of the basement is just a musty storage area of junk and where you do laundry. However, this is not how you should look at it. Instead, think about it from a square footage point of view. In fact, your basement accounts for another floor of your home. If you do not optimize it, you are wasting a huge amount of space. When you invest the time and money to Waterproof a Basement in Cambridge MA it will boost the value of your home, which can be a huge advantage if you ever decide to sell.

Minimize Your Energy Costs

Did you know that you may be able to save on your energy costs when you waterproof your basement or your crawl space? When you seal up any old cracks you will be able to increase the energy efficiency of your home by preventing any cold air from coming in during the winter or the fall seasons. Also, you can minimize any moisture coming into your home through the cracks during the warmer months.

Avoid Serious Health Risks

Humidity and water can cause the growth of toxic mold; however, you may be surprised to learn how fast this can actually develop. When the right conditions are present, toxic black mold can begin to grow in just 24 to 48 hours. This can cause a number of respiratory issues and other health concerns.

When you are looking into how to improve your basement, consider Drycrete Waterproofing. This can help to increase the value of your home and keep toxic mold at bay. When you invest in waterproofing for your basement, you can actually utilize the square footage that is present.

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