With the exception of the Messianic prophecies in Isaiah, Joel and Psalms that pointed to the birth of Jesus, many of the prophecies in the Bible appear to refer to events that are still lying in the future. Or do they? It may come as a surprise to many people, including a lot of Christians that ALL the major Biblical prophecies have already been fulfilled, but this is in fact the case. A study of history shows the Bible to have been correct in all cases of end-times prophecy. These are just a couple of examples of where this has proven to be the case:
* Revelation 19: The Second Coming Revealed
Revelations chapter 19 gives the most vivid and dramatic account of the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. He is described as riding in the clouds at the head of a victorious heavenly army of angels. Could this have happened in fact? Yes. Evidence from two non-Christian first century historians; the Jewish writer Josephus and the Roman Tacitus, attest to the literal appearance of an army in the sky during the siege of Jerusalem in A.D. 66
* 1 Corinthians 15: 50-54: The Rapture
What of the long expected Rapture, the literal ascent of the believing saints into the sky to meet the Lord on his triumphant return. Surely this would have left a mark in the histories of the time. In fact, a careful study of history again points to this being a physical fact. In A.D. 66, at the very height of the Jewish War, two Roman sources report what appeared to be a host of the dead rising from the ground and ascending to the sky. A careful reading of the source material shows without a doubt that this is the case.
Therefore, reliable evidence proves that two key end-times events, the second coming and rapture, have already taken place. The evidence is overwhelming.
The Bible Vindicated
As it has been shown, a study of first-century A.D. history in the light of the Biblical prophecies reveals that the end-times predictions have proven correct. The Bible has been vindicated as both a source of authentic divine revelation and a reliable historical source. This Preterist approach to Biblical truth will prove extremely valuable to both historians and believing Christians as further study uncovers the unbelievable prophecies at the heart of the Bible.