Is Your Web Design Company In Minneapolis Really A Benefit?

by | Apr 23, 2015 | Web Design and Development

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Sometimes small business owners get caught in a trap of using a friend, a friend of a friend, or a company which is no longer offering top service but is also charging a much lower price than the competition. If any of these descriptions match your current web design company in Minneapolis you may be hurting your bottom line more than you think.

When your web design company in Minneapolis isn’t going a good job, doesn’t keep the website up to date, or fails to utilize the latest in technology there is a problem. Not only are you going to start seeing a drop in new and repeat purchases but you will also find your rankings begin to sink in the search engine results. This, in turn, dramatically decreases the chances of attracting new buyers, clients and customers.

Deciding if a current web design company in Minneapolis is really helping or actually hurting your online presence, take a few minutes and review the website. Look for the signs listed below to indicate the web designer needs to be replaced with a company offering the latest in tools and online techniques.

Changing Your Content

Not only does content have to be relevant and timely, but it has to be presented to appeal to viewers. To do this consider the following strategies:

 * Short paragraphs with informative headers acting as summaries

 * Use bullets rather than long sentence explanations

 * Images and infographics are better than big chunks of text

 * Selling the product without being overly promotional


When a top web design company in Minneapolis creates or upgrades a site it will have a logical, naturally organization to promote easy navigation through the site. Customers will be able to find what they want with a click, keeping them actively engaged in moving through the site rather than clicking off.

In addition, shopping carts, account information and contact information will be easily accessible from each page. This creates uniformity in the site but it also provides a businesslike look and increases online consumer confidence in the business.


If you have used more than one web design company in Minneapolis on the current site or simply had some areas updated and others left, there may be completely different looks on different pages of the site.

This not only looks odds, but it creates the look of an poorly managed website. It will also create distrust in customers, limiting their willingness to buy online through the site.

If your current web design company in Minneapolis hasn’t addressed these issues on your site, it is time to choose a new company. Do your research and find a company providing the website services needed to create a great online presence.

If you aren’t happy with your current web design company in Minneapolis talk to us. At InterActive Circle we would be happy to review your site and discuss upgrade options. To learn more see us at

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