3 Reasons that Air Conditioning Maintenance in Phoenix AZ is Important

by | Apr 27, 2015 | Heating and Air Conditioning

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With the summer heat rising, many homeowners have cranked up the air conditioning in an attempt to stay cool. When it comes to air conditioning maintenance, homeowners don’t always think about its importance. Until it’s too late. To prevent your home from needing Air Conditioning Maintenance in Phoenix AZ here are a few tips to look for.

Dirty Filters

For a homeowner, the air condition is usually going to have removable air conditioning filters in place. When your filter has not been replaced and is dirty, the airflow is clogged and the systems efficiency is reduced. The filter may even cause your air conditioner to overwork to compensate for the lack of cool air going into the house. The importance of changing out these filters every month or two during the warmer months will keep your system running smoothly.

Electric Failures

An electrical failure is caused by the compressor and fan controls wearing out due to over use or frequently turning the a/c on and off. Since an electrical problem is not an easy fix, there is one way of prevention. During the beginning of the warmer months take the extra precaution to have your air conditioning looked over for failures or problems in the system. This small precaution can prevent you from overheating during the summer.

Sensor Problems

A thermostat sensor is usually located behind the control panel and measures the temperature of air coming in. If the sensor is malfunctioning, the air conditioning can start pushing out warmer or frigged air. If you are confident in your home improvement capabilities, there is an easy fix. Push the thermostat sensor back into place. However, if you want to call a professional any air conditioning service can make the quick fix easily.

The importance of keeping up with your Air Conditioning Maintenance in Phoenix AZ is the prevention of a failed a/c when you need it the most; during the summer. By checking out your air conditioning yourself or even hiring a professional, you can catch problems easy and have peace of mind while you sit in the cool air. You can navigate to this Collins Comfort Masters for more information.

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