The Right Ingredients for a Sober Life

by | May 8, 2015 | Drug Addiction Treatment Center

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When addicts decide enough is enough and it’s time to change their life for the better, maximizing the chances of success can be a challenge. Contacting a Malibu rehab facility to arrange an initial detox program and subsequent therapy can seem retrospectively like the easy part compared with the daunting process of managing the rest of your life sober or drug free. Luckily reputable treatment centers put in place extensive post-residential support programs, which when undertaken in conjunction with the following can make a real positive difference to the chances of success.

Rewarding Employment

Once someone has overcome an addiction, keeping busy is crucial to minimize the risk of relapse. If prior employment is still open, now is the time to really strive to shine. For people in recovery who realize their employment was a major trigger to their addictive behavior, it may well be the time has come to seek out new opportunities and earn money in a more nurturing environment.

A Positive Social Network

Many addicts will naturally have gravitated towards other addicts or entered into damaging or unsafe relationships as part of their need to enable their habit. Not only is family therapy essential to ensure any issues on the home front are resolved early on, but it’s essential that addicts develop a range of healthy friendships, beneficial pastimes and hobbies which ensure surrendering to their addiction when the going gets tough is as difficult as possible. Most Malibu rehab facilities put enormous emphasis on this aspect of recovery planning, as having the right support network in place is crucial, even after years of abstinence.

An Early Warning System

Every addict, even if they have been drink or drug free for decades, will face situations when the craving to give in and surrender to the addiction becomes overwhelming. It’s imperative in these situations there is easy access to trained professionals who can provide timely support until the crisis has passed, as well as help to reinforce all the good habits which are learned during a stint in rehab facilities located in Malibu. Retaining regular contact with the treatment provider is an excellent way of ensuring help is at hand if needed.

Overcoming an addiction is never easy and the fact cravings can resurface many years after an addict had thought they were “cured” means constant vigilance is required, particularly when life goes through a difficult patch. To discover more about the type of post-residential support which a leading rehab facility in Malibu provides, it will prove helpful to contact Serenity Malibu Rehab Center for friendly, confidential advice and information.

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