Why Dental Implants In Martin County MN Are A Compelling Solution For Patients Who Have Suffered Tooth Loss

by | Feb 9, 2021 | Dental Services

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If you’ve ever lost a tooth, you need to know that you’re not alone. There are some studies that estimate that as many as thirty to fifty percent of people under the age of sixty-five have lost at least one tooth in their lifetime. While this can be a painful and embarrassing ordeal for many people, it’s vital that you realize that there are viable solutions out there to help you. In this day and age, dental implants have become a very popular way to restore patients’ smiles after tooth loss. If you’re wondering whether or not dental implants would be worth the investment for you, continue reading to find out why the answer is likely “yes”.

• Preserving Your Jawbone: When you lose a tooth, the area of the jawbone it was attached to tends to deteriorate due to lack of daily stimulation. Because Dental Implants Martin County MN are fused to the jawbone before the prosthesis is placed, they are the only tooth replacement solution that can help keep your jawbone from eroding after tooth loss.

• Natural Look and Feel: For some patients, tooth replacement solutions like dentures can slide around in the mouth and feel strange when you eat and talk. Fortunately, this won’t be the case with dental implants. Your implant will be constructed to look just like your other natural teeth, and you can be confident in the fact that no one you talk to will be able to tell the difference.

• Keeping Your Teeth Intact: Getting dentures will require you to remove all of the other healthy teeth in your mouth or having a bridge put in requires that your dentist grind down the adjacent teeth. Dental Implants Martin County MN are a great tooth loss solution because their placement doesn’t require any alteration to your other healthy teeth, which means you can keep your smile intact.

People lose their teeth for myriad reasons, including decay, gum disease, and even sudden injury. However, the good news is that the availability of dental implants means that you don’t have to suffer the negative effects of tooth loss for the rest of your life. If you’re in need of tooth replacement, get in touch with the professionals at Birch Street Dentistry to learn more about how dental implants can be of benefit to both your self-confidence and your oral health.

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