Fulfilling Your Financial Responsibility By Purchasing Car Insurance In Federal Way

by | Jun 5, 2015 | Insurance

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Washington insurance laws impose a fine of no less than $450 for a failure to provide proof of insurance. Additional penalties could apply if the driver commits a more serious moving violations. For example, a DUI could lead to stricter auto insurance requirements after criminal penalties are fulfilled. Any driver in Washington that has acquired a driver’s license suspension failed to pay their fines, or was involved in a car accident may be required to purchase SR-22 insurance.

Fulfilling Your Financial Responsibility

SR-22 insurance is a policy that provides a guarantee that you’ll pay for medical costs and property damage if an accident occurs due to DUI. You’ll have to pay for a policy that offers a certificate of your financial responsibility. The state of Washington requires drivers who are ordered to carry SR-22 to maintain this level of coverage for at least three years. If a DUI conviction occurred, you must acquire this Car Insurance Federal Way, before your driver’s license is reinstated.

Evaluating Your Premium Costs

Your driving record affects the cost of premiums you’ll pay. When SR-22 insurance is required, this could increase these values considerably. The number of moving violations including speeding, DUI, and reckless driving contributes to these increases as well.

How Often Do You Drive?

Automobile owners who drive frequently could face additional costs. The total number of miles you travel within a month play a major role in premium projects. Drivers who travel shorter distances could pay lower premiums.

Where Do You Drive?

Your Car Insurance Federal Way premiums are calculated according to where you travel. High traffic areas such as major highways increase risks. These risks equate to a higher payout if an accident occurs. An extensive history of DUIs could lead to further requirements or the loss of your driver’s license permanently.

SR-22 Car Insurance Federal Way indicates that you are a risky driver. It is required to present a higher level of coverage to protect others when an accident occurs. By purchasing this policy, you are fulfilling your financial responsibility, according to the state of Washington. To review these polices and alternative opportunities, contact SAV-ON in Federal Way or click here for further details.

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