The cornerstones of cosmetic dentistry, veneers, find their roots in Hollywood. In 1928 Charles Pincus invented veneers to be used for temporarily changing the appearances of actor’s teeth for a film shoot. Later on in 1937 he created acrylic veneers which could be retained by a dental adhesive, though they did so only temporary. As the years went by and technology advanced, veneers turned into what they are today, a longer lasting dental structure which can be used to repair teeth or whiten them for aesthetic purposes. The improved cements and adhesives of today can last from 10 – 30 years. Porcelain is the best material to use as it is more durable and less likely to stain. This is the material most often used when getting veneers in Spring, TX.
The Advantage of Dental Veneers
Veneers are a great tool for cosmetic dentists as they can be used to size, shape, repair, or even color teeth. If you are looking for veneers in Spring, TX, they are ideal for Texans who want to resize their teeth without the complex procedure of dental crowns. Their main advantages consist of:
- Stain resistance of porcelain veneers
- Instant teeth whitening
- The procedure is not as extensive as that of crowning, allowing for a quicker alternative for those who are interested in whitening or quick shaping of teeth
- Tooth appearance looks natural
The Disadvantages of Dental Veneers
It is not surprising that most things that have advantages also have disadvantages, which is also the case with dental veneers. Getting dental veneers in Spring, TX is not a good idea for those who want a more permanent sort of tooth reconstruction. The disadvantages of Dental Veneers are:
- Not a reversible process – teeth which are fitted for veneers are shaved down to around 30% so you must commit to getting the veneer replaced down the road
- Veneers are much more sensitive than dental crowns
- Veneers range in cost from $1000 – $3000 per tooth
- They are not a good option for unhealthy teeth or those with teeth clenching and grinding habits
The Conclusion
Dental veneers are definitely a great investment for those who are looking to improve the aesthetics of their teeth. The quick procedure can be well worth it for people who want an instant gratification. Alternatively, for persons who need dental work due to tooth decay or reparation of broken teeth, it is not the best treatment. This is because they are costly, sensitive, and the procedure is not reversible. It should be said that when looking into veneers in Spring, TX, you should consult multiple dentists before you make your decision.