A leaking roof from rain is probably the biggest reason most homeowners contact a Roofing Service in Orange Park FL. By the time water enters the inside of the home, there has been a lot of damage done to the wood of the roof and any insulation between the roof and where the water is showing inside. It is important to have the roof repaired or replaced quickly to eliminate the possibility of further damage or mold growing in the house.
The strong UV rays from the sun are very damaging to shingles over time. The grainy beads of the shingles will begin to wear away and the shingles will begin to peel. Pollution also helps to contribute to the wear on shingles. If they are beginning to curl, the roof definitely needs to be inspected by a Roofing Service in Orange Park FL. Winds will also easily remove shingles from a roof especially if they are in need of being replaced.
Depending on the strength and style of the roof, some roofs can be roofed over. This means that another layer of shingles can be placed over top of the existing shingles currently on the roof. When this is an option, it will save a great deal of money. Only a professional roofing contractor can make the determination if the roof is strong enough to handle the weight. Roofing a home does not just mean nailing a few shingles on top of the roof. There are particular things that a roof must have in order to withstand wind and rain.
The edge of the roof normally has a barrier which protects from water rolling back under the shingle. If this protective barrier is not in place, the roof could rot very quickly. If a shingle is missing, it is important to replace the lost shingle quickly to keep the roof sealed from the elements. When you deal with a company like Keith Stern Roofing, you can be guaranteed that he watches over each and every project. He sets his standards high and has employees working for his company not subcontractors. Be sure to check him out if you’re in need of roofing advice.