The Advantages Of Instant Snow For Film

by | Jul 14, 2015 | Shopping

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Snow is a glorious expression of nature. It can bring joy to everyone during the winter months and has made a wonderful setting for many important and significant events. However, because it doesn’t snow on demand, people in the film and production industries have the particular need to use instant snow.

Instant snow is in demand even when there is natural snow on the set. If real snow melts or someone accidently disturbs a specific patch, it can destroy the continuity of a scene hurting the integrity of the film. This is why many producers, directors or other filmmakers have instant snow ready for use.

Advantages of Instant Snow for Filmmakers

Conditions have to be perfect for snow to fall so it’s not logical for filmmakers to wait for this to occur. Instant artificial snow, therefore, has certain advantages over the real thing because it:

  • Can quickly repair any disturbed sets for retakes or reshoots

  • Allows the director or filmmaker not to worry if the weather will produce enough snow

  • Allows the chance for creativity

  • Fixes any problems in the snow’s consistency that may have resulted from a change in schedule, location, and other related factors that may affect shooting

  • Use on set for rehearsals as well as actual takes

  • Permits people to walk across the set without worrying about lost time or the need to address continuity issues

  • Ensures snow types e.g. powdered, blowing, soft and flaky, can be matched perfectly no matter how many retakes or duplicate shots are required

  • While there are quick dissolvable types of artificial snow, there are variations that can remain for long stretches of time without being affected by changes in temperature

  • Is light making it easier to work with

  • Is less slippery than real snow. As a result, actors do not need to worry about falling at a crucial moment

  • Does not make the actors cold on set

Other Advantages of Instant Artificial Snow

Overall, while there are truly dozens of different types of natural snow, they are equally matched by their artificial counterparts. Like the original, artificial snow is usually environmentally friendly. While its true that nothing can ever match the glories of natural snow, companies like Business Name ensure that filmmakers can obtain the next best thing – instant snow that will help them create and maintain the perfect illusion.

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