Celebrate the USA With Red, White, and BLUE Crabs!

by | Jul 29, 2015 | Food & Drink

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When the summertime comes there is one holiday that we all look forward to. It is the Fourth of July and it is our chance to shine bright and happy. Actually, it is always a good time to be proud of the U.S. of A; but Independence Day is a holiday like no other. Here is your chance to indulge in some delicious crabby delicacies and bring the full flavor and texture of the beach with you wherever you go. No matter where you celebrate July 4th this year, make it count with some praise-worthy dishes. You can commemorate the red, white, and blue with some Maryland steamed blue crabs!

“Red”dy for Eating

When you steam up some of these sea-worthy treasures, your guests will commend you for a job well done. These crabs are a surefire crowd-pleaser and turn a delightful shade of red when they are ready to be served. Dig in for some meaty claws and legs and relish in the refreshing taste and texture. These babies are six inches of pure summery happiness and are sure to bring a smile to everyone’s face. One bite and you will be taken on a whirlwind taste journey where the living is easy and your taste buds are dancing.

Get “White” to it

What are you waiting for? Just because you live miles from the coast, you can still savor the irresistible flavor of a steamy summertime spread. These crabby critters are waiting to be send straight to your doorstop. The experts catch them and steam them the very same day so that you can be sure they are fresh and in prime condition for noshing away. Trust the experts to get them delivered to your get-together almost as fast as you can sing the Star-Spangled Banner. A word of advice: you might want to order in bulk, because these are sure to disappear in a flash once guests get their hands on them.

Stay True to Blue

You really can’t go wrong with some Maryland steamed blue crabs because they are a tried and true recipe that has been pleasing diners for ages. Only the meatiest, juiciest, and most succulent crab will make it from the fishermen’s net to your dining room table. Turn to the blues for a sweet-tasting, smile-inducing, and lip-smacking dish for your Independence Day cookout! They are sure to become a holiday favorite for years to come.

Find the most delectable Maryland steamed blue crabs at Harbour House Crabs.

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