When to Hire a New Orleans Truck Accident Lawyer

by | Aug 4, 2015 | Lawyers

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Accidents involving trucks are often horrific. Semi-trailer trucks can weigh up to one hundred and thirty thousand pounds. It’s easy to see how a vehicle with that much mass, especially one moving at highway speeds, could cause such devastating damage. These kinds of accidents are on the rise. As we consume more and more goods every year, transportation is increasingly necessary.

Unfortunately, all of this also means that the drivers of these 18-wheelers are sometimes overworked. The drivers can be experiencing stress, which can lead to many other issues. Driver fatigue can cause the driver to fall asleep at the wheel. High expectations can cause them to speed, or to cut corners in maintaining the condition of the truck, and this could mean tire or brake failure. It’s easy to see how any of these circumstances could escalate and cause a terrible crash.

To add to that, the fact that’s it’s not feasible to ship most goods by plane or train means that these monstrous vehicles are only likely to be seen more and more on our roads.

Some ambitious companies see this problem becoming worse and have begun to developer semi-trailer trucks that can drive themselves. The technology isn’t perfect, however, and that means we’re likely to continue seeing and experiencing these terrible accidents for years to come.

If you’ve tragically been personally affected by an accident involving such a truck, you can seek help. Because of how common and tragic these incidents are becoming, law firms are beginning to specialize in litigating these cases.

You can seek a free consultation with a New Orleans truck accident lawyer to get the help you need. IN what circumstances would it be appropriate to use legal means to your advantage though?


In almost all accidents involving 18-wheelers, the truck and driver will be appropriately insured. Unfortunately, however, that doesn’t necessarily mean that you will receive appropriate recompense for your own injuries. The companies insuring these trucks do not want to pay out more than they have to. If you’ve been injured in a case where you believe the driver of the truck was at fault, you do not have to speak to the insurance company representing the trucking company. You can seek legal assistance from a truck accident lawyer who can manage the case for you.

This will prevent you from being treated unfairly, and receiving compensation that is far less than you deserve.


Unfortunately, because of how dangerous and powerful these vehicles are, many accidents involving these trucks result in death. If you’ve lost a loved one in a case like this, you should absolutely seek help from a truck accident lawyer.

As mentioned above, the insurance companies representing the truck company will not give you what you deserve without a fight. Remember, though, that it is their responsibility to take care of your needs. A truck accident lawyer will almost always be needed to get you what you truly deserve.

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