Most people have heard about the French company Louis Vuitton. Its handbags are legendary and most women want one. A brand is truly successful when it is instantly recognizable. Purses and accessories are recognized by the traditional brown and tan leather with the monogram LV. Other popular models have distinctive cherry designs and other patterns. Interestingly, the company started out as a trunk manufacturer. Over time, it became known for quality leather goods and luxury. The company has been the number one luxury brand in the world several times. Amazingly, there were sales of $28.4 billion in 2013.
Someone who cannot afford to shop in a ritzy Louis Vuitton store may still find a purse. One can find Louis Vuitton Handbags in New York City. There are great deals at A Second Chance Designer Resale Boutique. They carry deals like a legendary “Speedy,” bag for $750. The bag retails for over $1,000. Many women who want to carry Vuitton turn to knock-offs. Not surprisingly, Vuitton is one of the most counterfeited brands in the world. On the other hand, it is not a good idea to buy Vuitton from individuals. Individuals often try to pass counterfeits off as the real thing. Louis Vuitton Handbags in New York City are carefully scrutinized before consignment shops buy them.
One of the ways to detect a fake is to know the bag. For example, the LV is placed on bags in a certain way. Indeed, the clues are in the details. Vuitton has unique stitching on its bags. The same amount of stitches are always used on the same model bag. For instance, there are always five stitches on the tab handle on “Speedy” bags. Consignment shops find designer merchandise from consumers. They may be tired of the item or need some quick cash. These boutiques sell Chanel, Hermes and many other luxury designers. They are interested in purses, accessories, jewelry, clothing and shoes. As a result, fashionistas can stock their closets at half the price. There is no need to save your money until you can afford a Louis Vuitton. Shop at upscale consignment shops and have the bag of your dreams today. You can visit here to get more information.