Regardless of the type of design firm you run, there is no doubt that with the right setup you can make use of (and significantly benefit from) 3D printing technology. With the expansion of available printers in the marketplace, selecting the right 3D printer requires an understanding of the various options available – and the associated filament types and accessories. The right 3D printer kit will package these components into a “ready to use” setup, complete with the requisite hardware to get started. There’s an expansive and growing community of 3D Makers who are passionate about the technology, and quick to lend a hand or provide advice as you begin. Following are just a few ways a firm can take advantage of a properly selected 3D printer kit.
In-House Products
Let’s consider how a 3D printer can quickly become a valuable tool in a number of different industries. A 3D printer can be used by product designers to quicklycreatescale models of their designs, testing them for ergonomics and functionality before sending the files for costly manufacturing at quantity. For bioengineering firms, 3D printers are being used to customize and fabricate medical devices (and with cutting edge developments, even biological tissue). An architectural firm might print up a small-scale model of a design for review by a client, making it easy to see how the different room and spaces look and interact with one another. Customized toys are already being sold; with 3D printed customizable pieces on demand. Home-based makers can even download entire action-figure models for printing, completely fabricating them in desktop machines. The ability for creativity with 3D printers is limitless, and the capabilities of 3D printers themselves are evolving every day.
Another great thing about 3D Printers is the ability to sell the items you’re printing directly to other firms and even individuals. If your firm is properly equipped with one or more 3D printer kits, you can easily start making & selling items of your own design. Community based websites can help you get setup as a 3D printing hub, selling 3D printing services to designers who need items to sell on the open-market. Extremely versatile and with endless possibility for innovation, the right 3D printer kit can revolutionize the way your company interacts with clients, and even generate completely new business opportunities.