Two Solid Reasons Why Business Owners Should Consider Making The Investment In High-Quality VPN Security Solutions

by | Nov 18, 2015 | Business

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In this day age, business owners must have access to digital network solutions in order to have efficient operations and compete in the business world. However, they must also have a way to keep those networks safe and secure. Not only does take proper security measures keep a business in compliance with legal mandates and regulations, but it also goes a long way in keeping sensitive business information out of the wrong hands. One networking security solution that has become popular among business owners is making use of a virtual private network (VPN). For those who have never used or haven’t heard about the benefits of a VPN, consider the following ways that using one can be beneficial.

Working Remotely
One of the best things about using a VPN is that it allows business owners and employees to work away from the office while still being able to communicate and access data on the company’s secure network. Instead of having to be tied down to their desk, employees can simply use their laptop to dial into the business’ internet service provider. Then, they’ll use a secure tunnel to get into the network and access functions just as if they were there in the office. VPN security solutions are only great for business owners or employees who need to travel and still remain productive, but it’s also great for businesses who need to expand to a new office space but keep offices connected.

Saving Money
In times past, employees who wanted to connect remotely had to use dial-in access. This meant that the company had to lease a telephone line and purchase call trafficking modems that could handle the incoming calls. These calls were not always toll-free, and the amount of time that employees stayed on the line would affect the amount of money the business had to pay. VPN security solutions do not require expensive equipment or toll calls. Instead, employees can call into the network using a VPN server and a local number, which cuts down on costs considerably.

Using a VPN is a must for those business owners and employees who need to enable remote access without compromising the security of the entire network. Get in touch with Business Name today to learn more about how VPN installation can give business owners the peace of mind they need and allow them to maximize the benefits of their network without worry.

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