What Are Varicose Veins and Are They Preventable?

by | Dec 2, 2015 | Articles

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For thousands of men and women in the Cincinnati, OH, area varicose veins are a worrisome issue. These unsightly purple-blue and bulging veins in the arms and legs can make it embarrassing to wear even normal clothing, let alone comfortable summer attire. While most instances of varicose veins result in mere cosmetic problems for patients, in some, they can cause aching or burning sensations. In cases where there is a more serious vascular issue at hand, they can turn into ulcers. The risk factors for developing them include age, sex, weight, family history, and lifestyle habits. While not all risks can be negated, there are some things you can do to help improve your odds against developing them.

Factors that can’t be helped; Heredity, Sex and Age

For some people, no matter how well they maintain themselves, they have a genetic predisposition towards having weaker veins, which means they are more prone to developing varicose veins. Women, unfortunately, are naturally at a higher risk than men for developing them. The reason being, the frequent and often drastic hormonal changes that a woman undergoes throughout her lifetime can lead to changes in the venal walls, making them more prone to becoming varicose. For both genders, aging veins lose their strength and become more prone to developing them as well. If you suffer from varicose veins in Cincinnati, OH, or anywhere else, getting treatment from a reputable clinic is easy.

Factors that can be helped; Weight and Lifestyle Habits

There are two risk factors that patients have influence over; their weight and activity level. Being overweight puts increased pressure on the cardiovascular system, all the way down to the veins. Over time, the increased pressure can be a major risk factor behind developing severe varicose veins. Another major factor is lifestyle habits, such as how much time you spend standing/sitting/walking. When you are in one position, such as sitting or standing, for too long, your blood can begin to pool, which also puts pressure on the walls of the veins.

What you can do to help:

Some of the best medicine is preventative medicine, and when it comes to varicose veins, taking care of your cardiovascular health is very important. General health advisories that can help you reduce your risks for developing varicose veins include:

• maintaining a proper weight
• getting adequate exercise
• maintaining proper hydration levels
• avoid sitting cross-legged
• avoid the same position for prolonged periods of time
• take regular breaks while working (especially at a desk) to stretch the legs properly

If you need treatment for varicose veins in Cincinnati, OH, contact the Anderson Cosmetic & Vein Institute. They offer excellent patient care in a comfortable atmosphere.

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