How often should you visit the dentist?

by | Dec 31, 2015 | Dental Services

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Years ago it was rare for people to have easy access to a dentist, this resulted in rapid tooth decay and other oral problems that were much more of a problem than they are today where a Roseville dentist is easy to locate and readily available. Having a dentist readily available is ideal but this is only so if you visit him or her on a regular basis. The American Dental Association has always recommended that people see their dentist twice a year. By seeing the dentist every six months any basic routine maintenance and preventative care can help stop tooth decay before it becomes a problem. When you make dental visits a part of your regular routine the dentist can see something developing that may become serious if not attended to right away.

By making twice yearly visits to a Roseville dentist you will have your teeth cleaned professionally by a dental hygienist or the dentist. A professional cleaning is done using special equipment such as a high pressure water jet. This high pressure jet of water dislodges all traces of tartar and plaque which is the cause of decay. In some cases the dentist will apply a coat of fluoride to the teeth as an additional barrier against decay.

After the thorough cleaning has been completed the hygienist will turn you over to the dentist, at this time the hygienist will point out anything anomalous that was picked up during the cleaning. The dentist will undertake a full examination looking for evidence of decay or any problems with the gums. Using various instruments along with a dental mirror the dentist checks all the teeth, one after another to see if there are any problems that need attention. The dentist will be checking for evidence of gum problems as well such as too much space between the teeth. During every visit to the dentist he or she will be looking for any evidence of the onset of mouth cancer, which, if caught early can be rectified.

When necessary the Roseville dentist will take X-Rays of the teeth. The X-Rays are used by the dentist to confirm that there are no problems which have yet to become visible. It may be that you have a cavity, the X-Ray will indicate how close to the nerve it is which can tell the dentist whether it may be necessary to perform a root canal before filling the tooth.

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