How to Prepare Yourself For the First Meeting With the Divorce Lawyers in Temecula

by | Jan 21, 2016 | Lawyers

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Preparing for the first meeting with the Divorce Lawyers in Temecula is difficult for most people. No one wants to have to face a divorce, but it is a sad reality for more than half of all marriages. When a person is reaching the end of their marriage, there are many tough decisions that must be made. Often, people feel more comfortable working with a lawyer to help them through the process. Though a lawyer cannot guarantee a person will get the end result they are hoping for, they can, at least, have peace of mind in knowing the lawyer is doing all they can to ensure the person’s rights are being protected throughout their pursuit of the divorce.

Before the initial meeting, it is a good idea for a person to sit down and write some notes regarding their marriage. Details on why the marriage is ending can be beneficial and assist the lawyer in determining what type of ground needs to be filed. The grounds are the reason for the divorce, and one needs to make a sound decision when choosing the reason since some states require proof for certain grounds. In these notes, it behooves a person to note information on their children and the properties and assets obtained during the marriage. These notes can prove helpful in preventing a person from forgetting to discuss any pertinent details when they meet with the Divorce Lawyers in Temecula.

The first meeting is, typically, the longest meeting that will be held. A person needs to be prepared to answer questions and provide as much detail as possible so the lawyer will be prepared to start the process and protect the person’s rights. In this meeting, the lawyer will discuss the retainer agreement that will need to be signed, so the person is under contract with the lawyer. This agreement spells out what the person can expect from the services and the costs.

Those who are facing divorce do not need to go through the process alone. The Law Office of Michelle Penna provides legal representation for those facing the end of their marriage. For more information, visit the website.

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