Common AC Repairs in Cape Coral, FL a Homeowner May Experience

by | Nov 12, 2021 | Heating and Air Conditioning

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Without the help of a properly working HVAC unit, a homeowner will be unable to keep their residence at the right temperature. There are a number of repair issues that can sideline an HVAC unit. This means that a homeowner will have to stay on guard regarding the repair issues their unit has. If a homeowner is able to catch repair issues early on, they will be able to save themselves a lot of time and stress in the long run. The only way to have these AC repairs near Buffalo Grove addressed properly is by finding the right professionals. Below are some of the most common repair issues a homeowner may face with their HVAC unit.

Low or No Refrigerant

If a home’s HVAC unit is run without refrigerant, it may damage a variety of internal components of the unit. Usually, when a unit runs low on refrigerant, it is due to a leak. In order to find this leak, a homeowner will need to find a professional to assist them. By getting this type of professional assistance, a homeowner will be able to get to the bottom of their refrigerant issues with ease.

Fan Issues

Once the cool air is produced in an HVAC unit, it is the job of the fans to carry it through the ducts. In some cases, the fans will be unable to perform this job due to internal issues. If a homeowner starts to notice that the air coming through their vents seems much weaker than normal, they will need to call in a professional to assist them. A professional will be able to troubleshoot the issues and finding the appropriate repairs to fix them. If a problem like this is left unfixed for long periods of time, it will usually lead to even more issues.

Getting professional help with AC repairs near Buffalo Grove is essential in getting a unit back in good working order in a hurry. At Gleason Heating and Air Conditioning, a homeowner will be able to get the help they need to keep their residence cool throughout the summer.

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