The Role of Amoxicillin and the Emergency Dentist

by | May 2, 2016 | Dentistry

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As most people know, antibiotics have a significant importance in dental health. Thanks to their properties, they are a huge help to related oral cavity pain, whether caused by a disease or as a result of treatment. If people consider that this is a very useful tool, it is more likely that patients will turn to it more often when an Emergency Dentist suggests it. In fact, it is an ideal drug in many cases, but it is only recommended depending on the patient’s condition. Because of this, the dentist must gather a lot of information about the patient’s overall condition and health.

The use of amoxicillin in the field of dentistry is massive. Two of the key advantages of this drug are that it can kill a good number of bacteria and shows a better absorption rate when compared with other antibiotics. Amoxicillin is used during major dental cases and must be prescribed by a dentist. Generally speaking, this treatment is used to solve dental abscesses or any type of infection in the wisdom tooth. An Emergency Dentist may prescribe it after a dental procedure too. On the other hand, another option where amoxicillin is recommended is in people who have a real risk of suffering a heart infection, a dangerous problem known as endocarditis.

As noted above, every patient will need to speak to a physician or dentist to determine if amoxicillin is the most suitable option for their case; it also helps the professional denote the guidelines with which the patient must take this medicine. It is vitally important that each patient finishes every pill given even if there is no more pain. If a patient stops taking this medicine early, they are likely to develop bacterial endocarditis. Because of this tendency, dentists tend to prescribe a single dose of two grams of amoxicillin to be taken a few minutes before dental treatment is administered. It should also be noted that it can cause bleeding while intake of this can also put patients at risk of developing an infection in the joints. Visit  for more details.

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