For small production runs through to orders of hundreds of thousands of parts, one of the most economical and efficient options to use is centrifugal barrel finishing. This method can be used to deburr, or remove the small ledges, ridges and irregularities left on metal parts and components after machining, milling and turning.
It can also be used for deflashing, which removes small parts or areas of residual plastic or resin residue left on the parts after injection molding processes. This same deflashing process can also occur with stainless steel parts or those made of titanium or rubber.
Radiusing, which results in the smoothing and rounding of sharp edges or corners can also be accomplished through centrifugal barrel finishing. This can be done to the required tolerances and specifications through this process, allowing for large scale processing without any compromise on final part quality or appearance.
The Process
The process of centrifugal barrel finishing is relatively simple. However, choosing the correct media as well as the right surfactants and settings based on the parts is a very complicated and complex procedure.
In the process, parts of similar sizes and materials are loaded into a barrel, which may also be called a tub. The barrel also contains a specific type of media, which forms the abrasive surface. The surfactant and water allow the media to penetrate all parts of the components.
There are actually four barrels in the system, and each is filled to approximately 50 to 90 percent depending on the type of components used. The system then spins, creating the centrifugal force that forces the media to rub against the parts.
In addition to just the media, the parts also rub against each other. The speed of the system will create a specific G force that enables more significant finishing at much faster speeds.
Controlling the speed allows for extremely fine finishing at low speeds and forces and more aggressive finishing at the higher G forces. The choice of media, including the type of media used and the structure, also impacts the finishing during the process.
Through experience and years in the industry, a top company offering high energy polishing can effectively customize a process for any parts and components. Fast, effective and efficient, this is certainly a top option to consider for small or large production runs when quality is a priority and processing speed matters.