A Few Reasons Kids Need a Dentist Specializing in Pediatric Dentistry

by | Sep 13, 2021 | Dentistry

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Children, from infancy to adolescence, have different needs than adults when it comes to dental care. When the little ones need a regular checkup, it’s important to look into practices specializing in pediatric dentistry near Irving. What does a pediatric dentist do? And, what makes children’s teeth so different?

In order to specialize in pediatric care, an additional three years of training are required after dental school. This gives practitioners plenty of time to learn the ins and outs of both working with children and meeting their unique dental needs. Most dentists recommend that parents bring their babies in for their first visit at around one year of age. Others prefer to schedule the first appointment for whenever the first baby tooth shows up. This typically occurs at somewhere between six and twelve months. Early dental visits allow a professional to evaluate how teeth are coming in, diagnose any potential problems early, and give parents advice on how to help their children with their dental care.

In addition to scheduling these regular visits, there are a few other things parents can do to ensure the future of their children’s smiles. Infants and young toddlers who bottle feed are prone to tooth decay, particularly if they continue use of a bottle past the age of 14 months. Even before this age, baby bottle tooth decay can often be avoided by not allowing kids to fall asleep while nursing or with a bottle in his or her mouth. It is important to remember this because toothpaste should not be used for cleaning the teeth of children under three.

During this stage of development, many young children suffer discomfort, often referred to as teething. This is normal and can be reduced by using readily available teething rings or medications available at the pharmacy. Most professionals recommend against using teething biscuits, as they contain sugar that can be harmful to newly forming baby teeth. But, should a cavity rear its ugly head, the best part about finding a pediatric dentist early is that parents already know who to call, and children are already comfortable with their dental team. If you are looking for a specialist in pediatric dentistry near Irving, or want more great tips on caring for children’s teeth and encouraging good dental habits, then contact Rio Dental & Orthodontics. Visit RioDentalGroup.com for more information!

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