FAQs About Warrants In Worcester County, MD

by | Oct 12, 2016 | Lawyers

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In Maryland, judges issue warrants based on the circumstances of the crime. These warrants apply to serious offenses and traffic violations for which drivers fail to fulfill their obligations to the county. The following are FAQs about these warrants in Worcester County, MD.

What are the Different Types of Warrants?

Arrest warrants are issued by the court after an individual has committed or presumed to have committed a crime. The law enforcement officers cannot use these warrants without probable cause. They must witness the individual committing the crime themselves or provide evidence that leads them to believe this assumption. The accused doesn’t receive a notification when these warrants are issued. However, they receive a summons or citation for traffic violations.

Bench warrants do not require probable cause. They are issued by the judge directly. The most common reason for a bench warrant is a failure to appear in court. Under these circumstances, any law enforcement officer has the legal right to detain the individual and make an arrest. The same warrants are used when a protection order is violated.

How Do Defendants Discover if They Have an Outstanding Warrant?

Most defendants aren’t aware of an outstanding warrant until they are arrested. However, it is possible for them to acquire the information through the criminal court clerk. Additionally, an attorney can act on their behalf and conduct a warrant search to identify the location and charge associated with the warrant.

What Happens if the Defendant is Arrested for an Unknown Warrant?

The defendant must hire an attorney or fulfill the obligation associated with the warrant. If they were arrested for outstanding traffic tickets, they obtain a release by paying off the tickets. They also have the option to serve time in the county jail until these values are accumulated.

In Maryland, arrest warrants are issued when an individual is presumed guilty of a criminal infraction. They are also issued when an individual jumps bail and doesn’t appear at directed. The court of Worcester County enforces these warrants according to state laws. Defendants who may have outstanding warrants in Worcester County, MD contact Marc A. Zeve PA Attorney At Law for further assistance.

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