Professional Pest Control in Anthem AZ Helps Property Owners With Pigeon Problems

by | Oct 19, 2016 | Pest Control

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When people think of pest control service, they might think of customers who need assistance getting rid of insects, bats or mice. Birds can become a problem as well; pigeons cause trouble for many residential property owners in the Phoenix area. A professional service for Pest Control in Anthem AZ can humanely remove these birds, clean up the nesting and roosting areas, and install equipment that deters the pigeons from returning.

Like many birds, pigeons are stubborn and tenacious. Once they settle in somewhere, they don’t want to leave. Homeowners may try a variety of techniques they’ve read about, but the actions often are futile. Professional Pest Control in Anthem AZ is a better option since the technicians are experienced and skilled in making a property undesirable for pigeon habitat.

One technique the technicians might use involves setting up electrical devices that deliver electric shocks if pigeons land on the roof, drainage gutters or eaves. The shock won’t harm the birds, but simply forces them to avoid settling in on the structure. Other unwanted critters that get onto the roof, such as squirrels, will be similarly driven away without harm to the animal.

Another useful method involves adding nets over places where pigeons tend to loiter. This is disturbing to them and causes them to find a different comfy place. Pest control services typically have high-quality nets available that are resistant to ultraviolet light and other weather elements. The main issue for residential use is that homeowners may feel the netting detracts from the aesthetic appeal of the home. Nets may only need to be used temporarily, however, as the pigeons should eventually give up on trying to hang out in that house.

Adding slopes to flat surfaces on the roof is a third effective strategy that may be used by a company such as Maximum Exterminating. Pigeons look for flat areas on which to roost. This explains why pigeons are so prevalent on the upper story ledges of commercial and institutional buildings. If there are no such surfaces, they go elsewhere. Visit the website for more information on how this particular organization handles pigeon problems.

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