House Not Cool Enough? Contact a Local Air Conditioning Contractor in Urbana

by | Feb 14, 2017 | Heating and Air Conditioning

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While the region’s hot summer weather virtually requires air conditioning to stay comfortable, most homeowners don’t take the steps necessary to ensure their AC units are functioning properly before the hottest weather hits. Homeowners who are unsure their AC units are ready for the summer season are strongly encouraged to contact an Air Conditioning Contractor in Urbana to schedule routine maintenance or repairs.

Proper Maintenance Saves Money

It should be obvious that a well-maintained AC system will function more efficiently than one that’s neglected, but it would appear many people don’t fully grasp just how much money can be saved when a system is operating properly. Low refrigerant levels, dirty components, and failing parts all contribute to inefficiencies and should be dealt with before the hot weather sets in to save the most money. While the amount saved will vary from one system to another, area professionals can often provide estimates for expected savings when systems are properly maintained. Even a ten percent reduction in energy consumption will translate to significant savings by the end of the season.

Repairs Extend a Unit’s Life

Repairs can, and do, stretch the lifespans of AC units. In some cases, that lifespan is extended several years. That saves individuals from having to spend a significant amount of money on a replacement unit. However, it should be noted that owners of older, inefficient units may be better off discussing a replacement with an Air Conditioning Contractor in Urbana sooner rather than later. Newer units tend to be reliable and use considerably less energy than older units. The trick here is to find that balance between maximizing the value of an older unit and saving repair and utility costs with a replacement. Air conditioning professionals are trained to determine which option provides the most benefits to a homeowner.

Don’t Wait Until the Last Minute

AC contractors tend to get busy once the hot weather hits the Urbana area. To get service quickly and easy, why not schedule routine maintenance or repairs before the hot weather arrives? Contact us to get service or advice related to updating your AC system.

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