When is Emergency Veterinary Care in Alexandria Necessary?

by | Mar 9, 2017 | Animal Hospital

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Pet owners want what’s best for their animals’ health, but it can be hard to tell when a health issue can wait ’til the pet’s next check-up and when it requires emergency veterinary care in Alexandria. Below is a list of issues that really require owners to head in for a same-day appointment instead of waiting it out.

Severe Bleeding

If an animal has been injured and the bleeding is severe it may require stitches. Most pets are much smaller than their human counterparts, so they really can’t afford to lose quite as much blood before it becomes a problem. If the bleeding is coming from the mouth, nose, or another orifice that is also a sure sign it’s time to head to the vet immediately.

Eye Injuries

Any kind of injury to a pet’s eye should be treated immediately by a veterinarian to help prevent infection and lessen the chances that the animal will lose his or her sight.

Suspected Poisoning

Pets are like kids that will never grow up. When they’re left alone they sometimes get into household products that they shouldn’t be messing with, and they want to put everything in their mouths. Owners that suspect their animals have eaten anything poisonous should get their pets to the vet immediately.

Severe Lameness

If any animal has been injured and is limping a little it may be able to wait for an appointment with the pet’s ordinary veterinarian. Extreme lameness, any evidence of fractured bones, or a complete inability to move any leg or legs is reason for more immediate concern.

Severe Stomach Troubles

One episode of vomiting or diarrhea is not generally too much cause for concern, but more than two episodes in one day indicates that there may be a more serious underlying problem.

Extreme Pain or Anxiety

Signs of extreme pain or anxiety are always reason to bring a pet in for emergency veterinary care in Alexandria. No one wants to watch their animals suffer. If the pain appears to be severe, make note of any other symptoms and get the animal to a veterinarian immediately. Browse us online or contact the office today for help.

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