Varicose veins can be unsightly but more importantly they can be painful. Getting rid of varicose veins for good is as simple as making an appointment for treatment at a vein clinic in Chicago. Understanding your options can help you to make an informed decision.
What Are Varicose Veins?
Varicose veins are not a health risk nor are they dangerous to your health. What they are is faulty veins. Every vein has a valve that controls the flow of blood through the vein. When the lever it damaged, the blood does not move in the direction that it should when it should. The faulty vein pools with blood which is why it bulges and can be painful.
Problems with Varicose Veins
Not every vein that becomes varicose is a threat but there are some issues that you can run into:
* Bulging twisted veins
* Bleeding from skin ulcers caused by swelling
* In rare cases infections
All the above are usually rare instances, for most people there is mild discomfort but it is the aesthetics that they are not happy with.
What Can You Do?
For years, the treatment of choice was surgery, however, while surgical solutions were always effective there was a long recovery period and the chance of surgical complications always loomed. Today there are non-surgical treatments with no down time. You can have the procedure done and be back at work the same day. Not every vein clinic offers a non-surgical or non-invasive option but there is one that has helped hundreds of patients. A non-surgical solution may be the best option for you as well to look and feel better and finally be done with those unsightly veins. Veins Without Surgery can help you get rid of those bothersome veins!