Why Do Experts Stress the Importance of Heating System Repair Services in Hereford TX?

by | Mar 29, 2017 | Heating and Air Conditioning

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One of the first things an HVAC technician will tell a homeowner is that the easiest and cheapest way to keep their unit running is to routinely change out its air filters. They should be washed or changed at least once a month. Cleaning the inside of the ducts is recommended every five years. If animals or individuals with sensitive respiratory systems live in the house, Heating System Repair Services in Hereford TX should be done more frequently. Gas and oil systems must be revised and adjusted by a specialist every year. This is also desirable for electrical systems, even if they require less maintenance.

Older gas or oil-fired appliances can convert only 80% or less of their energy into heat. Recent and high-end gas appliances achieve an efficiency of 98%. Older systems have a single fan speed. They heat up completely and then stop, which can lead to temperature fluctuations and some wastage due to overheating. The latest generation of fans are quiet and can run at three or four speeds.

The imminent arrival of the fall provokes people into winterizing their home. A central heating system is the key to being comfortable throughout the cold season. It’s better to make sure that it will not let you down during a massive blizzard! Whether your heating system is hot water or forced-air, and its energy source is electricity, natural gas or fuel oil, routine Heating System Repair Services in Hereford TX need to be scheduled every year to ensure optimum performance. This will help to limit energy losses, preventing the breakdown of parts and ensuring each family member’s safety.

Professional heating system maintenance involves checking out several key points, including:

  *    Air supply to the unit;

  *    The overall look of the exhaust stack;

  *    Condition of the heat exchanger (cleanliness, impermeability, etc.); and

  *    The different parts of the appliance and of the distribution system.

If your heating system is powered by natural gas or oil, some additional checks may be necessary. There are plenty of benefits from having a well-maintained heating system. If maintenance is overlooked, it will have to run at double speed to provide optimum performance, which will run you a lot more in energy costs. Click here for more details.

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