You Can Have A Service Perform Rodent Removal In Baltimore MD Safely And Efficiently

by | Mar 30, 2017 | Pest Control

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Are you finding rodent droppings in your home or basement? Are there holes in clothing, bedding or other fabrics that have been stored in a closet, basement, or garage? If you answered yes to any of those questions, you have a rodent problem. Mice and rats can fit through tiny openings in a home and set up house inside of your home. Mice and rat droppings can leave behind various germs and diseases that no homeowner wants. Rodent Removal in Baltimore MD should be performed as quickly as possible when a problem is noticed before it gets out of hand.

What kind of rodents can be in a home? Norway rats are the most common type of rat found in Maryland. They like to be around people and can grow to be a foot long and weigh over a pound. This type of rat is also known as a sewer, barn or wharf rat. They live under buildings, walks, near ponds and in garbage dumps. They will burrow in backyard compost piles and need a source of water. Rats can quickly reproduce and it’s important to remove any type of food source from around a home. They usually come out at night, but when the population has gotten large, they will be seen during the day.

The first step in controlling a rodent infestation is to have an experienced extermination company identify them. Cotton, Norway and roof rats can all look very similar to an untrained eye. Deer and house mice droppings can be confused with the ones from the American cockroach. Deer mice nest in hollow logs, tree holes and under piles of stones or logs. They don’t hibernate and usually travel to a warm domestic space to spend the winter in. Deer mice will store food supplies and a homeowner may find their dog’s food stashed where they’d least expect it. Eliminating these pests require the help of an experienced Rodent Removal in Baltimore MD.

Contact Atlas Exterminator Co. Inc. for an analysis of the rodent or pest problem in your home. The earlier they intervene in the problem, the less likely it will be for the infestation to get out of control. They will consider what type of products to use when there are pets and children in the home.

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